What industry are you in?
Approximately how many staff currently require telephones in your business?
Do you anticipate a fast growth in your business over the next few years?
What hours of the day are your telephones manned for?
Outside of the above hours;
Do you currently use an outside company to answer calls who you are happy to continue using? YesNo
Would you be interested in enrolling with a manned telephone answering service? YesNo
Would you be very happy to have the unmanned telephone system answer the calls and take messages? YesNo
Would you like to discuss all options available? YesNo
Do you know of any specific functions that you would like your telephone system to have?
Do you know what telephone system you are currently using, if so please advise along with approx. when it was purchased?
Are there any features of your current system that you particularly enjoy?
Would you like Music for when your caller is on hold?
Are you currently doing any on hold marketing?
Do you currently have any door or gate entry systems connected to your telephone system?
How do you prefer to pay for your telephone system? a) Paying for equipment in one payment (either financed or from capital) with monthly payments for lines, calls & any maintenance required. b) Monthly payments for everything. c) Not sure. Would like to explore both options.
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Company Name:
Email Address:*
Security:* (Write the figure 12 as a word in lowercase)
Fields marked * are required.
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